Dr. Mario Alberto García-Ramírez
Dr. Mario Alberto García-Ramírez did his undergrad in Electronics Eng.
at the Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia focusing in large array
antennas. His Master
Degre was obtained at the National Reseach Centre for Astrophysics,
Optics and Electronics (INAOE). In here, his research was based on
integrated-optics, optoelectronics and optical communications. For his
PhD program, Dr. García-Ramírez attended the University of Southampton
in the UK. His research was focused on hybrid structures featurem
Metal-Oxide-Semiconductors (MOS) with Nano-Electromechanical Systems
(NEMS) for a wide variety of aplications ranging from sensors,
transistors up to non-volatile memories.
Dr. García-Ramírez is an Assistant Professor at the Universidad de
Guadalajara at the Centre for Applied Sciences and Engineering (CUCEI)
and a graduate for the Cansat Leader Training Program. He is currently
developing High-Tech Facilities for the development space-related
systems as well as cooperate with the Mexican Space Agency and local
Universities in order to bring more persons interested into this
facinating topic.
Dr. García-Ramírez interests are based on Research and Development of
Nano-devices for a wide variety of applications such as high
energy/radiation applications, Cubesats, Satellites, On-board Aircraft
Electronics, High-Frequency Communications, High-Frequency Antennas,
Numerical analysis, Hybrid-Structures, NEMS, Bio-sensors, among
Contact: seario(at)gmail.com
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